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Creating a new NABat project

Registered users can create new projects from the My Projects tab of the NABat Partner Portal. Users are free (but not required) to divide data into separate projects spatially or by survey type, but data should never be separated into distinct projects temporally (e.g., USGS NABat 2016, USGS NABat 2017, etc.). The following text provides step-by-step guidance on creating a new NABat project.


1. Log into the NABat Partner Portal. First-time users will need to create an account.


2. Once logged in, navigate to the My Projects tab from the top menu bar.


3. Click the Add New Project + button located at the top right of the page.


4. Enter the required data to create a new project. A project's details can be edited at any time by clicking the green Edit button in the upper-right corner of the project's home page.​


Note: If your owning organization does not appear in the drop down menu, please email one of the NABat team members to create your organization for you.  


5. Carefully read NABat’s data use and sharing terms and make the desired sharing elections. A project's data use and sharing preferences default to the most conservative privacy settings and may be updated anytime by the user from the Data Use & Sharing tab located in the project's homepage.​


Note: Users who want to share their data without revealing sensitive coordinates may also use the Location Obfuscation tool when preparing data for upload.


6. Once all required fields have been completed, click the Proceed to Cell Selection button (bottom of page) to save your new project. The page will automatically redirect to the NABat Cell Selection Tool where users can select cells for survey. However, there is no requirement to claim GRTS cells at this time, and users may select the Back to Project button at any time to return to the project's homepage.

Selecting and claiming new cells for monitoring

The NABat Cell Selection Tool allows users to filter, select, order (based on GRTS priority ranking), and claim cells for monitoring while also indicating to other NABat partners where monitoring efforts are already occurring. This workflow ensures monitoring efforts follow the NABat sample design and also reduces redundancy in monitoring efforts.


1. Log in to the NABat Partner Portal. First-time users will need to create an account.


2. Navigate to the My Projects tab (top menu bar) and select a project.


3. Click the Cell Selection Tool button (top of project homepage); a new page will load with a map. The Cell Selection Tool features a complete map of all NABat GRTS cells in the project’s sample frame, along with an evaluation table that compiles selected GRTS cells based on user-applied filters.


4. Use the search bar above the map to apply spatial filters and select the area of interest. Users can add geographic or jurisdictional filters (e.g., state, county, land management agency, etc.) or locate cells based on GRTS ID, geographic coordinates, or NABat sampling priority. Users can also make custom selections using the drawing tool by clicking the "Draw custom spatial filter" button (polygon symbol) above the map. Cells within the selected area will appear with a light blue border. Users must the APPLY! button (top-right corner of map) to activate the filter.


Note: Spatial filters can be combined with AND/OR logic by clicking the gear icon (top-left corner of map). Users can also select/deselect cells with a double-click and select from a variety of map layers by hovering over the button in the top right corner of the map. 


5. After filtering to the desired area, move to the Evaluation Table to the right of the map and tick boxes under the "Select Survey Types" header to indicate the type(s) of monitoring planned. Users can make multiple selections. Ticking boxes will update the table with the cells’ current selection status for the chosen monitoring types.


Note: Cells that have already been selected for survey by another project are labeled as such. Links to details and contact information for the owning project will be provided. 


6. Once cells are added to the table, they can be evaluated and selected for survey. Use the arrows in the GRTS Cell ID column header to cells by priority ranking (lower GRTS number = higher priority). Users should claim cells for survey beginning with the highest priority cell and working down the list, claiming as many cells for survey as resources will allow and only skipping cells based on factors like accessibility, project resources, etc. It is more important to monitor cells in priority order than to monitor many cells. If cells must be skipped, select an explanation from the drop down menu (e.g., Not safe, Logistical constraints, etc.).


Note: Make use of the Bulk Change button to edit many cells simultaneously.


7. When cell evaluation is complete and final selections have been made, click the Save button (above the table) to apply cell selection changes to the project. All cells selected for survey will now appear on the project homepage (below the project map) with a green circle.


8. Return to the Cell Selection Tool at the conclusion of each field season/prior to the start of a new field season to reevaluate selections and ensure resources and circumstances allow the same level of effort as the prior season. If previously monitored cells will not be monitored in the upcoming season, those cells should be released so it is clear to other NABat users that they are now available for monitoring. If resources allow for additional monitoring in the upcoming season, users should follow GRTS priority order and claim as many additional cells as resources permit. 



Creating a new NABat project
Selecting and claiming new cells for montoring

Save or export points for Stationary Acoustic Surveys and Colony Counts

Survey locations can be saved in the NABat Partner Portal and exported for use in a handheld GPS unit. To create and export points:


1. Log in to the NABat Partner Portal. First-time users will need to create an account.


2. Navigate to the My Projects tab (top menu bar) and select a project. Scroll down to the project map.


3. NABat protocols for stationary acoustic surveys call for ≤ 1 detector per grid cell quadrant. Hover over the Map Layers button in the top right corner of the map and select the NABat GRTS Cells and CONUS 5km Grid Cells layers to visualize grid cells and their quadrants.

Note: The Imagery layer may also be turned on to help identify potential detector locations.


4. Once a prospective site has been identified, select the Mark a survey location button (upper-left corner of map) and click the map to create a survey location. A dialogue box will appear on the map with details about the survey point, including latitude and longitude.


5. Click the Edit button in the bottom right corner of the dialogue box. Provide a name for the new survey location and use the "Survey Type" drop-down menu to indicate the type of survey point (i.e., “Stationary Detector”). Users may also enter a site description or adjust latitude and longitude values.


Note: To use this point when uploading metadata, the "Location Name" provided in the bulk upload template must be an exact match to the "Name" of the point.


6. Click the Save button in the bottom of the dialogue box to update site details.


7. To export location information for saved points, click the Download KML | GeoJSON button, located in the top right of the map (immediately right of the Upload KML | GeoJSON button).


8. Once location data have been downloaded, they can be imported into a handheld GPS unit and used in the field.

stationary acoustic ponts
Saving mobile transect routes

The latest Mobile Acoustic Transect Surveys Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are available for download at the USGS publications warehouse here.

Link directly to the Mobile Transect SOPs for Locating and Establishing Mobile Transect Routes and Field Season and Survey Preparation


Click here for guidance on uploading mobile transect routes as a .KML or .GeoJSON file, or on drawing mobile transect routes using web-based mapping tools.

Save or export transects for Mobile Acoustic Surveys

Considering using an app to collect data? Check out our list of some of the available field data apps and their features here.

Field Apps for Data Collection


2018 by Bat Conservation International in partnership with the NABat Program

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