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October 2023 NABat News

NABat Coordination Team

Xeno-Canto Expands to Include Bats - The Bats Are Here!

After the introduction of the Orthoptera, Xeno-Canto is now ready to expand to other groups. First up are the 1500 species of bats of the world! This new extension was done with help from Gloriana Chaverri, bat expert from Costa Rica, and Marcelo Araya Salas, an ecologist and bioacoustics expert we all know well from developing WarbleR, and generous financial support from NLBIF.

Call for Manuscripts

The open-access Journal of North American Bat Research (NABR) is accepting manuscripts – the first NABR article has been published and can be found here. NABR is “valued by the academic, agency, NGO, and private-sector research community as a respected and trusted source for science related to all aspects of the biology, ecology, and conservation of bats, Order Chiroptera, and their habitats in North America, including Canada, Mexico, the USA, and the West Indies (Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and Lesser Antilles)

California Has a New State Bat - Pallid Bat

California now has a new state bat - the pallid bat! Governor Newsom signed SB 732 just in time for Bat Week and Halloween.

DOE Opens Program to Improve Renewable Energy

On September 12, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) opened submissions for a $10 million funding and technical assistance program that supports the creation of new, or the expansion of existing, state-based programs or initiatives that improve renewable energy siting processes at the state and local levels. Applications close on November 3, 2023 at 5 p.m. ET. For more information on this program and to apply, visit the ENERGYWERX R-STEP page.

BOEM Seeks Public Input The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is seeking public comments on the two Draft Wind Energy Areas identified off the coast of Oregon (due 31 October 2023) and on the draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Maryland Offshore Wind Project (due 20 November 2023).

Join us for the November 2023 NABat Community of Practice Call: Bats and Transportation Structures.

Trina Morris with Georgia DNR and Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) Bat Working Group will provide an update on the recent AFWA Resolution 2023-05-07 considering the impact of transportation structures on bats and Matt Fullerton with USFWS will provide an update on behalf of the USFWS Summer Survey Guidelines team. The NABat Team will share guidance on how to get your transportation structure assessment data into NABat and why its so important to have these aggregated data. And lastly, we will close out the call inviting members from across the network to ask questions and share updates relative to their region/locality of interest.

Click the link below to join the meeting.

If you want to be added to the distribution list for NABat CoP calls, please reach out to Andrea Schuhmann.

Events October 24 – 31: International Bat Week. Check out for events near you! October 26: Bats N Brews, Mills River, NC

Conferences October 30 – November 1: North American Wind Energy Academy (NAWEA)/WindTech 2023 Conference, Denver, Colorado November 5 – 9: TWS Annual Conference, Louisville, KY

Check out the NABat Events page for a complete list of training webinars, meeting links, and all other upcoming events!

Postdoctoral Research Associate - Bat Abundance Using Mobile Acoustics Cornell University

The Fuller Spatial Ecology and Decision Science Lab at the New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Cornell University is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral research associate position for a bat population monitoring project using mobile acoustic survey data. The project is in support of the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat), collaborating with partners from the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The project builds on a strong foundation of mobile acoustic work conducted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), and other state agency partners, and will involve collection and analysis of mobile acoustic survey data from monitoring partners in the northeastern United States. The candidate will help meet partner needs by producing bat species status and trend reports, data visualizations, and data dashboards that readily communicate analytical results to a broad audience.

Senior Bat Biologist and Conservation Planner

ICF is hiring a seasoned and technically accomplished Bat Biologist and Conservation Planner to join our Natural Resources and Habitat Conservation Planning Teams. You will be able to apply a wide range of experience and demonstrated capabilities for complex projects across multiple ecological disciplines and regulatory platforms.

Associate Bat Biologist - (1340) Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST), a dynamic environmental and statistical consulting firm with offices across the United States and Canada, is looking for a full time Associate level bat biologist. The bat biologist would be responsible for deployment of long-term acoustic detectors, NABat surveys, acoustic data management and analysis, habitat assessments, and report writing in the United States.

Associate U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Permitted Bat Biologist - (1339)

Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST), a dynamic environmental and statistical consulting firm with offices across the United States and Canada, is looking for a full-time Associate U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permitted bat biologist. The bat biologist would be responsible for conducting presence/probable absence surveys (acoustic and mist-net) along with other bat surveys.

PhD Scholarship Within Applied Ecology: Bats and Wind Turbines Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant 3-year PhD position in Applied Ecology: Bats and wind turbines – developing an evidence base for reducing renewable energy-biodiversity conflicts.

November's Featured Resource: NABat User Support Office Hours

Join us for NABat User Support Office Hour sessions this fall. Need help with project planning, data processing, or pesky data upload issues? The NABat Technical Outreach Team and NABat Hub Coordinators will be available to help answer your questions and troubleshoot issues you are struggling with.

NABat Office Hours:

During these sessions, we welcome all questions, including those related to planning your project, processing and attributing acoustic files, prepping and uploading data (all survey types included), etc. In advance of our office hour sessions, please do your homework: visit our resources page and quick links to access guidance and training videos in advance of these sessions and come ready with your list questions or issues.

If these sessions don't work for you, don't worry! Users who need project guidance or assistance are encouraged to book an appointment or reach out to our Technical Monitoring team for consultation.

In case you missed it, in August we debuted a comprehensive collection of new training videos and recorded workshops! Streamline your learning experience with the newly incorporated timestamped table of contents at the beginning of each video. Whether you're just starting with NABat or already an experienced participant, these resources are overflowing with valuable insights aligned with NABat's mission and methods. Seize this opportunity to bolster your skills and understanding.


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2018 by Bat Conservation International in partnership with the NABat Program

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