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Photo credit: Roxanne Pourshoustari


To complete project submission, upload other relevant project files, conduct QA/QC, add notes on the project in the NABat Partner Portal, and notify the USFWS of completed project submission:


         1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​Add final notes to the project within the Partner Portal.


a) Notes about the deployments that were included during data processing in the Note field in the Kaleidoscope NABat metadata form are to be added to the “Comments” field within “Deployment Details” (Figure 9).


b) Notes specifically about processing are to be added to the “Processing Notes” field within “Echolocation Measurements” (Figure 7).





















2. Upload project photos, the project report, and any other relevant project files:


a) There is a tab within every survey event for “Images” where you will upload all deployment photos (Figure 8). These should be photos of set-up, potential roost trees, cavities, and any other relevant images to that survey event.



















3. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Project files are uploaded into the “Project Files” tab found at the top of the project page (Figure 9). At minimum a PDF of the project report should be uploaded here. Any other files that are relevant to the project should also be uploaded here.



















​4. If the project you are submitting is to fulfill consultation requirements, make sure all the above is completed for project submission (new project created, metadata uploaded, acoustic data uploaded, deployment and processing notes entered, data QA/QC completed, deployment images and report uploaded). Add the USFWS FBB Lead as a Project Leader with full access (Figure 10).














​5. Email the USFWS FBB Lead with the PDF report attached to the email and inform them that the project has been fully submitted. The USFWS FBB Lead will provide confirmation that the project has been submitted correctly and completely in two ways. 


​The USFWS FBB Lead will reply to the email stating that “The USFWS Florida bonneted bat lead has reviewed this NABat project and has deemed data submission complete.” This sentence will also be added at the end of the project description in the project details page.

The consultation user’s affiliation will be changed to “Limited – Read Only” in all four Permissions categories (Cell Selection, Species List, Deployment, and Survey Permissions).


6. After successfully completing all steps of the regulatory FBB data submission process, it is required that the applicant/consultant maintains a backup of the submitted project and its associated data for minimum one year following submission.



Profile of a Deployment II.png

Figure 7. Profile of a deployment within the NABat Partner Portal. The user can access the “Comments” field within “Deployment Details” and the “Processing Notes” field within “Echolocation Measurements.” Red boxes and arrows indicate where to find these fields.


Survey Event Images.png

Figure 8. Within each survey event is a tab for “Images” where photos from the survey event can be uploaded (tab indicated by red arrow and “Upload Deployment Images” button indicated by red box). Clicking this upload button will open the file upload window.

Project Files.png

Figure 9. Within every project page there is a “Project Files” tab. In this tab there is an “Upload Project Files” button that will open the file upload window. Here the project report and any other relevant files should be uploaded.

Project Members.png

Figure 10. Once project submission is complete, consultation users will need to go into the project members page and ensure that the USFWS FBB Lead is added as a Project Leader. Green box indicates “Members” page while green arrow indicates edit button.

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