Myotis yumanensis
Order: Chiroptera
Suborder: Yangochiroptera
Family: Vespertilionidae
Call characteristics:
High frequency caller (~50 kHz range)
 1/4 oz
(6 g)
Body Length
1 1/2 - 1 7/8 in
(3.9 - 4.8 cm)Â
There are various sources for bat species range maps including IUCN, NatureServe, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ECOS, and the National Atlas of the United States.Â
Yuma Myotis

The Yuma Myotis is a smaller bat with black to reddish-brown or light brown fur. Habitat includes a variety of forested areas, thorny scrub, and deserts. Roosts are commonly located in buildings and underneath bridges, however, yuma Myotis also roosts in caves and abandoned mines. Maternity roosts have been found in tree cavities, and single males have been observed in abandoned cliff swallow nests. The yuma Myotis prefers to forage over water and will consume a variety of insects, including moths, froghoppers, beetles, midges, mosquitos, and muscid flies. The loss of critical habitat and the fungal disease white-nose syndrome threaten the health of this species.
Information used to populate this page was obtained from the following sources:
NatureServe Explorer
United States Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Conservation Online System
Bat Conservation International Bat Profiles
National Atlas of the United States. (2011). North American Bat Ranges, 1830-2008. National Atlas of the United States. Available at:
Taylor, M. 2019. Bats: an illustrated guide to all species. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Books.