Processing bat acoustic data in multiple software suites
To increase confidence in automated species IDs and reduce the number of files that require manual identification, some users opt to process call files in multiple auto ID programs. The following document provides guidance for processing acoustic bat recordings in multiple auto ID software suites.
Processing acoustic recordings with more than one auto-identification program
Using Two or More Auto ID Programs for Species ID In order to provide auto ID values from > 1 software suite, users should upload a row of metadata for each call file for each auto ID program used. For example, if calls are processed in Kaleidoscope and SonoBat, metadata uploads should include two rows for each call. Rows can be combined in a single CSV or uploaded in separate files (one for each auto ID program used).
Single CSV​​

Separate CSVs

Processing calls and exporting metadata with Kaleidoscope and SonoBat
Users who wish to use the NABat metadata forms for Kaleidoscope and SonoBat should first process calls in Kaleidoscope following the guidance available at Kaleidoscope (Stationary) | NABat.
Once metadata has been embedded in the files, users can follow the steps of the SonoBat guidance document starting from the "Assign Species IDs" section.
Note: To successfully export metadata that was embedded in Kaleidoscope using SonoBat, users must download the "NABat_Metadata_Kaleidoscope_SonoBat.xml" form, which is specific to this process.