Quick Links Quick Links NEWS NABat Seeking TABR/ANPA Roost Locations Photo Contest Results: Federal Wind Energy Lease Sale Offshore the Carolinas Notice of Funding: WNS Research for Conservation Grants 2022 Notice of Funding: MultiState Conservation Grant Programs IMPORTANT INFO May CoP Call Upcoming Events Recent Publications Job Postings Featured Resource: Resources Website Redesign Echoes: USFWS Updates Range-wide Survey Guidelines for MYSO/MYSE
Seeking TABR/ANPA Roost Locations NABat is seeking roost locations for Mexican free-tailed and pallid bats in support of an upcoming project. Roost locations will aid and validate a predictive modeling effort. We're offering multiple data sharing agreement options to ensure the security of sensitive roost sites. If you have concerns about sharing your data, we would like to discuss options with you that address your concerns. To learn more, share data, or discuss data sharing security options, please reach out to NABat's technical outreach team. Photo Contest Add a camera to your gear list for the upcoming field season - we're announcing another photo contest! Make sure you snap pictures this summer for any of the contest's three categories: Surveys, Acoustic Equipment Setups, and Bats. Each category's winning entrant will be awarded 2 AudioMoth bat detectors! Info regarding the submission process and contest start/end dates will be announced towards the end of summer. Click here for more contest category details Biden-Harris Administration Announces Winners of Carolina Long Bay Offshore Wind Energy Auction The Department of the Interior recently announced results from its wind energy auction in the Carolina Long Bay area, the second major offshore wind lease sale this year and a significant milestone towards achieving the Biden-Harris administration’s goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) lease sale offered two lease areas covering 110,091 acres in the Carolina Long Bay area offshore North Carolina and South Carolina. If fully developed, the leases could result in about 1.3 gigawatts of offshore wind energy, enough to power about 500,000 homes. The sale drew competitive winning bids from two companies totaling $315 million. See full details here Notice of Funding: WNS Research for Conservation Grants 2022 Priorities for this funding opportunity are designed to develop and apply tools that maximize persistence of WNS-affected bat populations, minimize the impacts of Pd, support collaborative actions of the WNS National Response, and inform management decisions in preparation for, or in response to WNS. Scientific research conducted in collaboration with management authorities is encouraged. Due to the urgency of this threat to bats and the rapid progress of related science, we seek to fund projects that are likely to produce impactful results within a two year project period. Funding through WNS Research for Conservation Grants provides critical resources for maximizing the benefits of conservation efforts for bats. These actions are focused on minimizing the impacts of WNS and compounding stressors on federally listed species, prioritizing actions to conserve species that are susceptible to the disease, including those that may be assessed for listing due to the impacts of WNS, and understanding how different species are likely to respond when exposed to the pathogen. Projects submitted to this opportunity should concentrate on efforts where there is the greatest need and benefit. Find more information and application here Notice of Funding Opportunity: MultiState Conservation Grant Programs The primary goal of these programs is to fund projects that address regional or national priority needs of the State fish and wildlife agencies (States) and their partners that are beyond the scope and capabilities of a single State. Eligible grant proposals are reviewed by the Association’s National Grants Committee (NGC) with the assistance of one or more technical committees. Proposals must address eligible activities in one or more of the Association’s selected Strategic Priorities to be considered. Strategic Conservation Priorities are developed annually by the Association and are used to guide proposal development and grant selection for the program. A total of $3,000,000 will be allocated for Wildlife Restoration. Initial proposals are due 18 May 2022 by 5pm EST. Full details available here
We are taking a break from our regular monthly calls as folks prepare and embark on busy summer field seasons. Keep an eye out on the events calendar for future meetings. You can also contact Bethany Straw to be added to the distribution list and receive meeting invitations directly in your inbox.
Many conferences, meetings, and workshops are coming up!
See the NABat Events page for a complete list of upcoming events!
Detection and multi-label classification of bats Posterior probabilities of membership of repertoires in acoustic clades Monitoring occupancy of bats with acoustic data: Power and sample size recommendations The potential for acoustic individual identification in mammals Reconstruction of echoes reaching bats in flight from arbitrary targets by acoustic simulation Bat selfies: Photographic surveys of flying bats Evaluating bat roost abundance: A comparison of drone-acquired thermal imagery and acoustic recordings with visual observers Effectiveness of acoustic lures for increasing tropical forest understory bat captures Bats buzz like hornets to scare off owl predators Physical clutter affects the use of artificial ponds by the Lesser Bulldog Bat Noctilio albiventris (Chiroptera: Noctilionidae) Efficacy and cost of acoustic-informed and wind speed-only turbine curtailment to reduce bat fatalities at a wind energy facility in Wisconsin Cumulative effects analysis for wind energy development: Current practices, challenges, and opportunities Ecosystem services and land rental markets: Producer costs of bat population crashes Population sizes and activity patterns of little brown myotis in Yellowstone National Park Mid-Atlantic big brown and eastern red bats: Relationships between acoustic activity and reproductive phenology An investigation of bat mortality in British Columbia, Canada Utility-scale solar impacts to volant wildlife Rapidly declining body size in an insectivorous bat is associated with increased precipitation and decreased survival Even low light pollution levels affect the spatial distribution and timing of activity of a “light tolerant” bat species Modeling the suitability of Texas karst regions for infection by Pseudogymnoascus destructans in bats Roadway-associated culverts may serve as a transmission corridor for Pseudogynoascus destructans and white-nose syndrome in the coastal plains and coastal region of Georgia, USA Can citizen science provide a solution for bat friendly planning?
Texas State University
The Department of Biology at Texas State University invites applications for a Senior Lecturer in Wildlife Biology. The successful candidate will be expected to teach upper-level courses such as Mammalogy, Wildlife Management and Natural History of Vertebrates with significant laboratory and field emphasis as well as serve as undergraduate advisor for Wildlife Biology students and faculty advisor for Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society.
Apply Here
SUNY Oswego
SUNY Oswego is searching for an Assistant Professor of Evolutionary Biology. They will teach courses in the Biology and Zoology curricula in their area(s) of expertise, including evolution. They may also contribute to general education and Honor's Program offerings. Additional responsibilities include research with undergraduates, advising, and service.
Apply Here
Bat Conservation International
BCI is seeking a Director of White-nose Syndrome (WNS) Research to join BCI’s Science Team. The director will manage collaborative research efforts to test evidence-based solutions to ensure the survival and recovery of bat populations impacted by the fungal disease, WNS.
Apply Here
Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc.
WEST, Inc. has an immediate opportunity for a full-time Bat Biologist.
Apply Here
May's Featured Resource:
So nice we'll feature it twice! We made BIG changes to the Resources section of NABatmonitoring.org! Use the buttons at the top of the page to follow along, step-by-step, through the entire NABat workflow. New tools, tips, tricks, and notes are embedded in the updated pages. Whether you're a seasoned Partner Portal user or just getting started, check out the new Resources section where you're guaranteed to learn something new!
Still have questions? Users who need project guidance or assistance are encouraged to reach out to our Technical Monitoring team for consultation.
Still have questions? Users who need project guidance or assistance are encouraged to reach out to our Technical Monitoring team for consultation.
In case you missed it, USFWS Updates Range-wide Survey Guidelines for Indiana Bat, Northern Long-eared Bat
The US Fish & Wildlife Service has updated their survey guidelines for Indiana and northern long-eared bats to accommodate population-wide changes by WNS.
Find the new guidelines and supporting materials here
Have content you wish to contribute for consideration?
Email Frankie Tousley
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