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Official Data Call: Submit Summer 2021 Data
In support of upcoming status and trends analyses, NABat formally asks that all partners submit their outstanding Summer 2021 survey data before March 1, 2022. If you collected any summer data via stationary acoustic surveys, mobile transect surveys, internal or external colony counts, or mist net/harp trap captures, please don't delay getting it uploaded to your NABat Project. Data received after the deadline may not be included in this year's modeling efforts; however, users who are unable to meet the deadline should still submit their summer data ASAP as such data will be valuable for future status and trends analyses and reports.
New training videos are available! Follow along the processes for uploading metadata and acoustic files, as well as processing acoustic data in Kaleidoscope or Sonobat software. See NABat's Resources page for additional guidance on processing and uploading data or ensuring data quality.
Our Technical Outreach Team is available and happy to help if you have any questions about analyzing, formatting, or uploading your data. You can also reach out to your regional Hub Coordinator for guidance!
BOEM Offshore Wind Energy Auction
Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland announced that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will hold a wind energy auction on 23 February 23, 2022, for more than 480,000 acres in the New York Bight. This will be the first offshore wind energy auction under the Biden-Harris Administration. See the official announcement for more details!
BOEM Requesting Comments
The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is requesting public comments on its draft Environmental Assessments for offshore wind energy leasing within the Gulf of Mexico (through February 9, 2022) and Humboldt Wind Energy Area (through February 10, 2022).

NABat's Spring Webinar Series Seasons are changing. Winter work will soon come to an end putting summer on the horizon! Follow along with NABat experts as they walk through the timely processes of uploading winter colony count data and how they plan for summer research. See below for specific dates. Formatting and Uploading NABat Winter Colony Count Data March 29, 2022; 3:00-4:30pm ET This webinar will provide tips and guidance for uploading colony count data to the NABat Partner Portal, avoiding and correcting common errors and data quality issues, manually creating new survey events and editing survey details through the Partner Portal user interface, and more. Prepping for NABat Summer Acoustic Monitoring: Part 1 April 19, 2022; 12:00-1:00pm ET This webinar will focus on pre-season preparation tasks like creating a new NABat project, selecting NABat GRTS cells, using web-based tools to choose prospective survey locations, and more. Prepping for NABat Summer Acoustic Monitoring: Part 2 April 21, 2022; 12:00-1:00pm ET This webinar will focus on pre-deployment equipment preparation, site selection and micrositing, deployment tips, and more. See the NABat Events page for a complete list of meeting/webinar links!

Long-term Pseudogymnoascus destructans surveillance data reveal factors contributing to pathogen presence
The relation between migratory activity of Pipistrellus bats at sea and weather conditions offers possibilities to reduce offshore wind farm effects

Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies The AFWA is seeking an Energy and Wildlife Program Manager to lead solutions involving energy and wildlife issues; collaborating on solutions to avoid, reduce or mitigate energy and wildlife conflicts; and communicating with and overseeing a network of practitioners. Apply Here __________
University of Alberta (Dept. of Biological Sciences) One postdoctoral position is available immediately to support the ultrasonic bioacoustic research of the Bioacoustics Unit and the labs of Drs. Erin Bayne and Matina Kalcounis-Rueppell (PIs, Department of Biological Sciences) at the University of Alberta. The position is available for multiple years with review after the first year and the possibility for renewal up to 3 years. Apply Here __________
University of Arizona (School of Natural Resources and the Environment) The School of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of Arizona invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Wildlife Conservation and Disease Ecology. Apply Here __________
The Pathogen Microbiome Institute
(Species from Feces Program)
The Species from Feces program is recruiting for a Research Technician for basic and applied research focused on vertebrate, bacterial, and fungal genetics.

This month's featured resource...
We've added a "Share" button in the Partner Portal
Next time you're in the Data Inventory section of the Partner Portal, check out the new Share feature. Clicking the button generates a link to your map with all its current filters applied!
Check out our Resources page for guidance documents, how-to videos, and more. Users who have questions or need assistance are encouraged to reach out to our Technical Monitoring team for consultation: Dane Smith | Frankie Tousley

Q: There are no "priority" GRTS cells in my area, but I'm interesting in contributing data to NABat. Do you want data from non-priority cells? A: Absolutely! A cell's priority label (e.g., Top 5%) is totally peripheral to the much more important task of following strict priority order when selecting GRTS cells for survey. A quick recap of the process: Use the Cell Selection Tool to delineate your full study area; then, following priority order, select as many cells as your project has the resources to survey. You may skip cells if they aren't accessible or your project lacks the resources to survey them. Selecting "priority" cells via cherry-picking will still produce data tat NABat can incorporate into statistical analyses, but as cherry-picking cells doesn't adhere to NABat protocols the data collected in those cells will be weighted less during analyses.

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Community of Practice call scheduled for February 15, 2022 at 2:00 PM ET! Follow USGS research statistician Kathi Irvine as we take a deep dive into the NABat Master Sample. Be prepared to learn all the details surrounding the Master Sample's background and development, as well as the awesome statistical power it provides. Hope to see you there! Click the following link for meeting details

Northeast Bat Working Group Website is LIVE Calling all Northeasterners: be sure to drop by the NEBWG's brand new site! Link up with this network of bat researchers, managers, and conservationists of the region, and keep up to date with all the working group's missions and activities. Membership is free!