Interagency Bat Conservation Forum
The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies Bat Working Group is sponsoring an Interagency Bat Conservation Forum at the 88th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. The Forum will be held on Thursday, March 23, 2023 from 10am – 12pm ET, and will explore critical topics impacting the ability of agencies to manage their bat populations, including potential impacts of proposed Federal bat listings for state activities. Please email lburns@fishwildlife.org for more information and make sure to register to attend the conference so you don't miss out on this event.
USFWS Accepting Comments on Enhancement of Survival and Incidental Take Permits
On February 9, 2023, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) published a proposed rule in the Federal Register titled Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Enhancement of Survival and Incidental Take Permits. The U.S. Fish Wildlife Service (Service), has proposed to revise the regulations concerning the issuance of enhancement of survival and incidental take permits under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. “The Service proposes to revise the regulations to reduce the time it takes for applicants to prepare and develop the required documents to support applications for section 10(a) permits, thus accelerating permitting and conservation implementation. We propose to accomplish this goal by: • clarifying the appropriate permit mechanism for authorizing take; • simplifying our permitting options under section 10(a)(1)(A) by combining CCAAs and SHAs into one agreement type and allowing the option to return to baseline; • providing additional flexibility under section 10(a)(1)(B) to issue permits for non-listed species without a listed species also on the permit; and • clarifying the requirements for complete applications under both permitting authorities.” The USFWS is accepting comments on the proposed rule until April 10, 2023.
Hawaiian Hoary Bat Updates
The US FWS has announced technical corrections to the names of 60 endangered or threatened species in the Pacific Islands. Updates were made to incorporate the correct usage of 'okina and kahoko in Hawaiian species names including the ʻōpeʻapeʻa, or Hawaiian hoary bat. Previously listed as an endangered subspecies (Laiurus cinereus semotus), it has been reclassified as a full species, Aeorestes semotus, after recent analysis.
Help Inform Species Lists Maps
Have you noticed discrepancies in observed species and the species that display in the range maps that display in the Partner Portal? Range maps are from a variety of sources and no range map is 100% accurate. If you have noticed a difference in the species you know are in your research area and the species that show in the range maps, please reach out to Rachel Shively to learn how you can contribute to the Stationary Acoustic Working Group's effort to create species lists for use in acoustic studies.

Oral Sampling of Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) Maternity Colonies for SARS-CoV-2 in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, USA Roosting habits of disk-winged bats, especially Thyroptera discifera Coming home: modeling the mating roost of the endangered bat Leptonycteris nivalis Ecological niche differentiation among Aztec fruit-eating bat subspecies (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Mesoamerica A career of bat research: informing and motivating bat conservation

Bat Biologist: Idealist
Bat Conservation International (BCI), seeks a seasonal full-time bat biologist to support bat-related disease surveillance and research in the Klamath Region in southern Oregon and northern California. The National Park Service (NPS) Klamath Inventory & Monitoring Network (KLMN) and BCI are partnering to monitor bat colonies and roosts to detect the arrival of White-nose Syndrome (WNS) and Psudogymnoascus desctructans (Pd), conduct research to understand bat habitat requirements and management, and educate park visitors about North American bats. Apply by Feb 17th.
Lead Bat Biologist: BioSurvey Group
BioSurvey Group is hiring a Lead Bat Biologist to establish and grow a new in-house division within our small, woman-owned, forward-thinking company. This is a great opportunity for a self-motivator who enjoys being client facing, all aspects of project management, and is interested in developing their own successful team. The Lead Bat Biologist will plan, lead, and conduct bat acoustic or mist-net surveys and analyze bat recordings, organize data, and produce reports documenting findings. This is a leadership role requiring strong technical, management, organizational, and communication skills.
Bat Technician: South Carolina DNR
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) seasonal North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) technician will run the statewide NABat acoustics project for South Carolina in 2023. Duties include communicating and working with approximately 40 volunteers and partners to place stationary acoustic bat monitoring equipment at pre-defined sites, conducting acoustic mobile surveys, entering and managing data, assisting with bat call analysis, and submitting to the NABat and South Carolina Heritage Trust databases. Training for acoustic analysis software and basic manual vetting of bat calls will be provided. Apply by 2/16/23.
Bat Biologist - Atlanta, GA | Telecommute flexible
VHB is seeking exceptionally talented and enthusiastic individuals with a passion for applied bat conservation and the natural sciences to join our Atlanta-based team as a Bat Biologist for projects across the Eastern U.S. In this position, you will utilize your knowledge and experience to perform bat acoustic surveys and analysis to support a variety of environmental services projects. Biologists will plan for, lead, and conduct acoustic or mist-net surveys for bats and analyze bat recordings, organize data, and produce reports documenting findings. Apply by 3/6/23.

February's Featured Resource: Anyone Can Access Upload Templates from the Partner Portal
Upload templates are available for download from the Partner Portal without having to log in. Users can simply go to the Partner Portal website and navigate to the templates tab to access the most up-to-date upload templates for submitting metadata.
