The BatTool manuscript has been accepted for publication BMC Ecology and Evolution.
A collaboration of USGS and USFWS delivered the BatTool, an R package with a decision support tool application useful for projecting bat populations under the influence of environmental stressors. The application can be accessed here, and the R package repository is available here. The R package can be installed using the R code remotes::install_git("https://code.usgs.gov/umesc/wthogmartin/BatTool.git")
The associated manuscript detailing the R package, Shiny application, and a wind impacts case study has been accepted to BMC Ecology and Evolution and is expected to be published in coming months. For more information, contact Ashton Wiens (awiens@usgs.gov).
New WREN Short Science Summary
Working Together to Resolve Environmental Effects of Wind Energy (WREN) recently published a new Short Science Summary: The Mitigation Hierarchy on Tethys. The mitigation hierarchy is a widely used framework that includes avoidance, minimization, and compensation.
RWSC Science Plan
The Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative for Offshore Wind (RWSC) has released the Draft Integrated Science Plan for Wildlife, Habitat, and Offshore Wind Energy in U.S. Atlantic Waters for review and comment. The Plan describes recommendations for data collection, research, and coordination compiled by expert subcommittees. Comments are due 30 September 2023.
In support of the Biden-Harris administration’s goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030, BOEM has completed its environmental analysis of the proposed Revolution Wind Farm Project offshore Rhode Island, which BOEM estimates could power more than 300,000 homes with clean renewable energy. Revolution Wind, LLC proposes to construct an offshore wind energy project of up to 100 wind turbines, capable of generating up to 880 megawatts, located approximately 15 nautical miles southeast of Point Judith, Rhode Island. If approved, Revolution Wind would be the fourth commercial-scale offshore wind project located on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf approved by the Biden-Harris administration. The Final EIS analyzes the potential environmental impacts of the activities laid out in Revolution Wind, LLC’s Construction and Operations Plan.
BOEM Identifies Draft Wind Energy Areas Offshore Oregon for Public Review and Comment As part of the Biden-Harris administration’s goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030 and 15 gigawatts of floating offshore wind by 2035, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) recently identified two draft Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) off the coast of Oregon and opened a 60-day public review and comment period on those WEAs. The draft WEAs cover approximately 219,568 acres offshore southern Oregon with their closest points ranging from approximately 18 – 32 miles off the coast. The draft WEAs announced recently would tap up to 2.6 GW of Oregon’s potential. Public input from this new comment period will be considered before formally designating final WEAs off the coast of Oregon.
BOEM Requests Comments
The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is seeking public comments on its intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Beacon Wind project off Massachusetts (due 31 July 2023) and its draft Environmental Assessment for the potential issuance of an offshore wind research lease in the Gulf of Maine (due 21 August 2023).

Tuesday, September 12th at 11am (MT) – What’s in a [Site] Name? The critical importance of site naming conventions and what happens when names are inconsistent.
Meeting ID: 252 185 040 609 Passcode: cqunDP
f you want to be added to the distribution list for NABat CoP calls, please reach out to Andrea Schuhmann.

August 24: Bats and Wind Energy - Protecting bats around onshore wind farms, Webinar
August 30: Natural Environment Research Council (NERC): Innovation in Environmental Monitoring, Webinar
September 13: Environmental Considerations for Nearshore Ecosystems from Cable Landfall, Navigation, and Port Development for Offshore Wind Energy, Webinar
September 24-27: Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta
October 11-14: Annual North American Society for Bat Research Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba
October 30–November 1: North American Wind Energy Academy (NAWEA)/WindTech 2023 Conference, Denver, Colorado
Check out the NABat Events page for a complete list of training webinars, meeting links, and all other upcoming events!

Long-term spring through fall capture data of Eptesicus fuscus in the eastern USA before and after white-nose syndrome
Selection of Maternity Roosts by Evening Bats (Nycticeius humeralis) in a Riparian Forest at the Northern Edge of Their Range

Bat Biologist - Portland, ME
Tetra Tech’s commitment to hiring the best talent in the industry and helping them thrive professionally is stronger than ever. We are currently seeking a qualified Bat Biologist for its Portland, Maine office location to support projects across the country. The position involves providing strategic task management, technical direction and consulting, and scientific support to various projects involving bat species and habitats. Portland Maine would be the desired location for employment, but remote work would be considered.
Subterranean Technician in Flagstaff, Arizona - Bat Conservation International Inc. - Hosted Apply by JobTarget
Bat Conservation International (BCI), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to ending bat extinctions worldwide, seeks 3-4 intermittent, part-time Subterranean Technicians to join BCI’s Conservation Department. Ideal candidates will be based within reasonable travel distance of major western U.S. cities. The Subterranean Technician will work as part of the Subterranean Team in the Habitat Protection & Restoration Program.
Environmental Scientist/Bat Ecologist - Overland Park, KS
Stantec’s Kansas City office is seeking a mid-level Environmental Scientist/Bat Ecologist to provide environmental field surveys, reporting, and permitting support for clients in the transportation, renewable energy, electric transmission, and other business sectors. Successful applicants will assist our team of environmental professionals on environmental impact analysis, bat surveys, acoustic analyses and statistical analyses to support environmental services projects. Consulting activities include designing research studies, analyzing data through simple linear modeling, modeling population dynamics, estimating abundance of sensitive species, and assessing the impact of construction and operational actions on natural resources.
Postdoc Opportunity - Quantitative Wildlife Ecologist
The United States Forest Service is hiring a quantitative postdoc to work on projects integrating and analyzing continent-scale and long-term wildlife datasets (e.g., Breeding bird survey, eBird, NABat). These data will be used to assess status, trends, and forecast wildlife communities and species of conservation concern with respect to global change. Findings will be disseminated through academic publications and support the USFS RPA and public land management and conservation. We are seeking candidates with strong statistical and big data skills, interest in global change impacts on wildlife populations and communities, and a strong conservation ethic. The position will be based in Fort Collins, CO and will be jointly affiliated with Colorado State University and the Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. The postdoc will be supervised by myself and John Mola (CSU) and will have the opportunity to work closely with other federal, and university partners.

August's Featured Resource: Training Videos & Workshops
Exciting news for all NABat partners! Our Featured Resource this month is the eagerly awaited, comprehensive collection of new training videos and recorded workshops. Streamline your learning experience with the newly incorporated timestamped table of contents at the beginning of each video. Whether you're just starting with NABat or already an experienced participant, these resources are overflowing with valuable insights aligned with NABat's mission and methods. Seize this opportunity to bolster your skills and understanding.
Still have questions? Users who need project guidance or assistance are encouraged to book an appointment or reach out to our Technical Monitoring team for consultation.